How to Proxy HTTP Requests?

Learn how you can start using proxy with absolutely no coding.

How to Proxy HTTP Requests


Using proxy servers

We going to use API proxy service to send an HTTP request through a random proxy server.

There are several ways how you can use proxy servers.

For example, there are plenty of websites with free public proxy servers and you can use those in your systems.
Additionally, there are dedicated libraries that will give you access to lists of proxy servers.

All methods have their advantages and disadvantages. For instance, free public servers are not reliable and expire pretty quickly.

Proxy libraries are specific which means you can't use them everywhere.

We are going to demonstrate a simple generic solution that can be used in any tool, framework or programming language.

The only thing you need to do is simply send an HTTP request and Proxybot API service will do the rest. The service will find an available proxy server and send your request through a proxy.

Let's get started and see how we can use Proxybot.

For people who prefer watching videos, there is a quick video showing how to proxy HTTP requests using proxybot API service.

Youtube video showing How to Proxy HTTP Requests

Sending HTTP request through a proxy server

Every request will be sent through a random proxy. For the target website, it will look like all your requests are coming from random people/servers.

It can be extremely useful when you are doing web scraping and don't want to be blocked because you are sending too many requests from the same IP to your target website.

Additionally, it can be useful for avoiding or bypassing IP blocks.

Proxy with geolocation option

There is also a possibility to send your request through proxy servers located in a specific country.

For example, if you want your request to come from Germany, then you need to append '&geolocation_code=de' URL param to your request.

See the below request example:

A full list of available geolocations and documentation can be found here.

Yes, it is that easy, just sending an HTTP request and stop worrying about searching and maintaining proxy servers manually.

I hope that this article was useful and you found information that will help you.

Have a nice day ✌️